INSIDE-NEWS!!! – Videos über Israels Verbrechen: The Zionist Massacre of Gaza – Cause and Effect , The Terrorism of Nazi Israel; Zionism Explained; Operation „Protective Edge“ is a WAR CRIME!; The Terrorist Actions of the Rogue State of Israel ; An Israeli Soldier’s Story – Eran Efrati, und mehr! Max Igan & Sean Maguire

★★★ Widerstandsberichterstattung über die herrschenden, demokratischen Um- bzw. Zustände ★★★

Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck 2014-07-21

Liebe® Blogleser_in,

hier nachfolgend sind ein paar aktuell ins Youtube gestellte Beiträge zur Aufklärung über Israel und Palästina sehr geeignet, da die Systemmedien sehr einseitig Israel-lastig berichten. Eine journalistische und menschliche Schande! (Texte auf dem Youtube entnommen)

An Israeli Soldier’s Story – Eran Efrati

The talk by Eran Efrati was filmed in Denver, Colorado on March 3, 2014 as part of The Soldier and the Refusenik U.S. tour with Maya Wind. Eran talk about his experiences in the IDF and then more broadly discusses Israel, its relationship to the U.S. and the global expansion of militarism. Eran Efrati, 28, was born and raised in Jerusalem. After graduating high school he enlisted in the IDF, where he served as a combat soldier and company sergeant in Battalion 50 of the Nachal Division. He spent most of his service in Hebron and throughout the West Bank. In 2009, he was discharged and joined Breaking the Silence, an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers working to raise awareness about the daily reality in the Occupied Territories. He worked as the chief investigator of the organization, collecting testimonies from IDF soldiers about their activities. He also guided political tours and to the West Bank and worked to educate Israeli youth about the reality of being a soldier in an occupying army. His collected testimonies appear in the booklet „Operation Cast Lead“ and their most recent release „Our Harsh Logic“. Since leaving Breaking the Silence, his investigative reports appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Guardian. Today he is active with the Israeli groups Anarchists Against the Wall and Boycott from Within. The Zionist Massacre of Gaza – Cause and Effect – Max Igan & Chris Everard -July 18, 2014 Zionist terrorists are massacring the 1.8million refugees of the impoverished and besieged Gaza strip while the world watches on

The Zionist Massacre of Gaza – Cause and Effect – Max Igan & Chris Everard -July 18, 2014

The Terrorism of Nazi Israel – Max Igan & Sean Maguire – July 16, 2014

———————————————————————————————— Zionism Explained

Zionism in a nutshell

Operation „Protective Edge“ is a WAR CRIME!

Max Igan – Truth Frequency Radio – 07/14/14 BOYCOTT GOVERNMENT ! …In the name of sanity, let’s stand up and dismiss these thieving, lying, sociopathic, warmongering assholes..

The Terrorist Actions of the Rogue State of Israel –

Max Igan & Kev Baker – July 15, 2014

Veröffentlicht am 18.07.2014

Max Igan’s website – Youtube channel – Donations gratefully accepted - Kev Baker Show archives – Quoted from original video –… :

Israel is a rogue state that has been engaging in ethnic cleansing against the people of Palestine for 60 years ….Enough is enough. — This is Max Igan’s appearance on the Kev Baker show from July 15th, 2014. The interview was about the war crimes of the Israeli sol-diers against the Palestinians, the criminal governments of Israel and other nations that support Israel and its war crimes, the psychopathy of Benjamin Satan-yahu and a few other related topics. See also Conversations with Gaza 1 – Omar – June 28th, 2014 –… Israel is Targetting Civilians – Conversations with Gaza 2 – Omar – July 11th 2014 –… Conversations with Gaza 3 – Nedal – July 12, 2014 -…

Conversations with Gaza 4 – Nedal – july 12, 2014 -… Operation „Defensive Edge“ is a WAR CRIME! – Max Igan – Truth Frequency Radio – 07/14/14

–… Zionism Explained –… The Terrorism of Nazi Israel – Max Igan & Sean Maguire – July 16, 2014 –…

Update from Gaza youtube channel -… Here are the 5 most recent videos from that channel when this particular interview took place: Urgent appeal from gaza to the citizens of the world, Help us ! – Noor Harazeen –…

The first Palestinian English channel from Gaza – Noor Harazeen -… Help Palestine – And let us educate the world ! Noor Harazeen -… Live from Gaza – Israel attacks Palestinian civilians 2014 –… Live from Gaza – Israel commit massacres in Gaza – Day 2 -… — See also Sir Ronald Storrs and the LONG-Term Agenda Of IS-RA-EL – They Created An „Ulster“ in the Middle East –… „Favoured Races“, Mystery Religions, Darwinism & Is-Ra-El – Alan Watt – April 1, 2011 –… Alan Watt – Demons, The Old Religion, Blood Sacrifice in Ancient and Modern Times – Sep. 27, 2012 –… Alan Watt’s website – Max Igan – Deprogramming the Collective – The Rediscovery of the Self –… Max Igan & Ken O’Keefe in Gaza – False Flags & America’s ‚National Interest‘ – September 2012 -… Ken O’Keefe’s youtube channel –… (Includes a video in which the authorised so-called „9/11 truth movement“ lies are promoted.) For information about the real truth about 9/11, see Dr. Judy Wood’s book – – and/or the 9/11 playlists on my channel: Real 9/11 Truth, Not The Authorized „9/11 Truth Movement“ -…

Dr. Judy Wood – Interviews With Dr. Wood and others (Newest First) –… 9/11 Finding The Truth by Andrew Johnson – Audiobook -… —

See also You Came Here To Participate In A Slave Rebellion – Mark Passio Talks to Truth Warrior – 16/12/13 -… Mark Passio’s website – Youtube channel – —

See also „Goldstein’s Massacre at the Mosque“ and „The Persecution of Christians by the Followers of Talmudism„, available from Michael Hoffman’s website -http://revisionisthistorystore.blogsp…

See also his book „Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship Superstition and Deceit“

-http://revisionisthistorystore.blogsp… Michael Hoffman gave an extremely important lecture in 1987 entitled The Occult Philosophy. The mp3 can be downloaded from here –… Most of that lecture, and much more besides, ended up in his must-read book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, which is available from his website – http://revisionisthistorystore.blogsp… ———————————————————————————————— Aus dem per ÖVP-Amtsmissbräuche offenkundig verfassungswidrig agrar-ausgeraubten Tirol, vom friedlichen Widerstand, Klaus Schreiner

Don´t be part of the problem! Be part of the solution. Sei dabei! Gemeinsam sind wir stark und verändern unsere Welt! Wir sind die 99 %!

PS.: Übrigens die zehnte Innsbrucker Friedensmahnwache findet am Montag den 21.07.14 um 18:00 Uhr bei der Annasäule statt. Sei dabei! Unterstütze mit Deiner Anwesenheit die friedliche Bewegung FÜR Frieden in Europa und auf der ganzen Welt!

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