Open Letter – offener Brief! To the European Court for Human Rights-Strasbourg; To: -Bern; To the Office of the United Nations, Genf, Wien, N. Y.; To: the International Criminal Court -Den Haag; written by Barbara Weber and Klaus Schreiner as a representative of the Peace Vigil (Friedensmahnwache) in Innsbruck/Austria. And: To all big media and news covering companies around the world.

Open Letter written by Barbara Weber and Klaus Schreiner as a representative of the Peace Vigil (Friedensmahnwache) in Innsbruck/Austria. TO: The European Court for Human Rights, Allée Droits de l’homme, 67000 Strasbourg, France. To the Office of the United Nations, Wagramer Strasse 5, 1400 Vienna, Austria; The United Nations, Palais, des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, … Open Letter – offener Brief! To the European Court for Human Rights-Strasbourg; To: -Bern; To the Office of the United Nations, Genf, Wien, N. Y.; To: the International Criminal Court -Den Haag; written by Barbara Weber and Klaus Schreiner as a representative of the Peace Vigil (Friedensmahnwache) in Innsbruck/Austria. And: To all big media and news covering companies around the world. weiterlesen