Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 28.03.2016
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Impflobby und Pharmaindustrie verbieten diese Dokumentarfilm!!!
Robert de Niro streicht seinen Impfkritischen Dokumentarfilm „VAXXED“ aus dem Tribeka Film Festival
Kurze Zusammenfassung:
Noch nie wurde ein Dokumentarfilm in den Amerikanischen Geschichte so angegriffen und verheimlicht, wie in den letzten 48 Stunden. Der von Robert De Niro und dem Impfkritiker Dr. William Thompson produzierte Film „Vaxxed“ ist der zurzeit gefährlichste Film für die Öffentlichkeit und die öffentliche Meinung.
Studien zufolge gehen Impfungen mit den rapide ansteigenden Autismus weltweit einher. Diese werden vertuscht und verheimlicht, Leute werden zum Schweigen gebracht.
Neue Informationen erreichen uns gerade. Wir haben noch mit Robert de Niro und seiner Frau telefoniert. Sie sagen, das Robert De Niro und Dr. Thompson heftigste Angriffe aus der Wissenschaftlichen Szene erreichen, genaue Namen haben sie nicht genannt. Robert strich deswegen diese Dokumentation aus seinem eigens gegründeten Film Festival.
Es besteht die Möglichkeit dass ihm und seiner Familie Todesdrohungen erhielten und seine schauspielerische Karriere hiermit auch vor dem Aus stehen würde, wenn er diesen Film veröffentlicht.
Der Tribeka Film Festival wurde 2002 gegründet in Folge der Anschläge am 11. September 2001.
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Vaxxed – von der Vertuschung bis zur Katastrophe
28. März 2016 (Redaktion, Bild: Hier ist ein Trailer über einen neuen Dokumentarfilm, der Medizingeschichte schreiben wird – wenn er denn veröffentlicht werden kann. Der Wissenschaftler Dr. William Thompson ist ein so genannter „Whistleblower“. Er ist ein absoluter Insider in den Institutionen, medizinischen Hintergründen und Folgen der rigiden Impfpolitik, die mehr und mehr auch denen aufgezwungen wird, die – aus guten Gründen – das Impfen ablehnen. Diese Doku will die hochbrisanten Informationen des Wissenschaftlers an die Öffentlichkeit bringen. Das dürfte spannend werden, es gibt bereits große Anstrengungen der Impfindustrie, das zu verhindern. Wie weit diese Anstrengungen gehen werden, wird sich zeigen. Robert de Niro soll jedenfalls schon unter Drohungen dazu gezwungen worden sein, den Film aus dem Programm seiner TRIBECA-Filmfestspiele zu streichen.
Im Jahr 2013 erhielt der Biologe Dr. Brian Hooker einen Anruf. Ein führender Wissenschaftler am „U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention“ (CDC) war am anderen Ende der Leitung. Er war der Wissenschaftler, der die CDC-Studie zur Verbindung der Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Impfung mit Autismus der CDC im Jahr 2004 geleitet hatte. Der Name des Wissenschaftlers: Dr. William Thompson. Er gestand am Telefon, daß damals das CDC in seinem Schlußbericht ganz entscheidende Daten weggelassen hatte, die offenbart hätten, daß es einen kausalen Zusammenhang zwischen der Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Impfung und Autismus gibt.
Über mehrere Monate hinweg nahm Dr. Hooker die Telefongespräche mit Dr. Thompson auf Tonträger auf. Dr. Thompson stelle ihm auch die vertraulichen Daten zur Verfügung, die seine Kollegen im CDC herausgelöscht hatten. Dr. Hooker gewann außerdem die Unterstützung des britischen Gastro-Enterologen Dr. Andrew Wakefield, der fälschlicherweise beschuldigt wurde, die Anti-Impf-Bewegung gegründet zu haben, als er 1998 als Erster berichtete, daß die MMR-Impfung möglicherweise Autismus auslösen könne.
Sein Engagement für die Gesundheit der Kinder brachte Wakefield dazu, diese Dokumentation zu begleiten, indem er die Beweise für eine solche empörende Vertuschung prüfte – begangen von der Regierungs-Agentur, die mit dem Schutz der Gesundheit amerikanischer Bürger betraut ist.
Interviews mit Insidern der Pharmazie, Ärzten, Politikern und Eltern von Impfgeschädigten enthüllen eine alarmierende, großangelegte Täuschung, die zu der explodierenden Zunahme von Autismus beigetragen hat – möglicherweise der katastrophalsten Epidemie unserer Zeit.
Der Schauspieler Robert de Niro wollte diesen Film auf seinem Festival Tribeca zeigen. Es sei ihm ein persönliches Anliegen, zu der Diskussion um dieses Thema beizutragen. Seine Frau und er haben ein gemeinsames, autistisches Kind.
Die Mainstreammedien in Deutschland berichten nichts zu diesem Vorgang, nur der österreichische „Standard“ veröffentlichte gestern dazu einen kleinen Artikel, in dem als Hintergrund für die Absage an die Aufführung zu lesen ist: „
„Vaxxed“ ist das Machwerk des Impfgegners Andrew Wakefield, der in einer Studie einen Zusammenhang von Impfungen gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln und einem höheren Risiko für Autismus bei Kindern behauptet hatte. Die Studie wurde jedoch 2004 vom britische Medizinjournal „The Lancet“ zurückgezogen, da Wakefield die Studie manipuliert hatte und von Anwälten der Eltern autistischer Kinder Geld für Studienmaterial erhalten hatte, das diese in Prozessen gegen Impfstoffhersteller verwenden wollten. Er verlor in Großbritannien seine ärztliche Zulassung.“
Die renommierte Seite „Natural News“ berichtete ebenfalls gestern:
„There has never been an assault against a documentary film in the history of America like the one we’ve just witnessed over the last 48 hours. The entire mainstream media waged a coordinated, simultaneous attack against the Tribeca Film Festival to censor a film none of them had even seen. [ … ] This is the first time in the history of film and media that the totality of the media establishment has condemned a film that none of them have ever viewed, desperately trying to make sure no American ever witnesses the hour and a half of film footage that is now „forbidden“ to be viewed in a nation founded on free speech.“
„Noch nie gab es einen Angriff wie diesen in der Geschichte Amerikas gegen einen Dokumentarfilm, wie diesen, dessen Zeuge wir in den letzten 48 Stunden gerade werden: Die gesamten Mainstreammedeien führten eine koordinierte, simultane Attacke gegen das Tribeca Film Festival, einen Film zu zensieren, den keiner von ihnen überhaupt gesehen hatte. [ …] Das ist das erste Mal in der Geschichte des Films und der Medien, daß die Gesamtheit des Medien-Establishments einen Film verurteilt, den bisher niemand angesehen hat, und verzweifelt versucht sicherzustellen, daß kein Amerikaner die eineinhalb Stunden Filmmaterial zu sehen bekommt und die nun anzusehen „verboten“ ist – in einer Nation die sich auf das Recht der freien Rede gründet.“
Weiter berichtet „Natural News“ in dem Beitrag:
„Natural News can now report that Robert De Niro and his wife spoke directly with U.S. Congressman Bill Posey for approximately one hour on Friday, during which De Niro was given numerous assurances by Congressman Posey that the CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, really did confess to taking part in massive scientific fraud to conceal the links between vaccines and autism. It was based in part on this assurance that De Niro originally backed the film’s screening at Tribeca.
But hours later, somebody got to De Niro. Somebody powerful and connected whom we believe threatened Robert De Niro into silence. This mysterious conversation has not been revealed. De Niro has not released the names of those from the „scientific community“ who threatened him, nor have the VAXXED filmmakers been offered any ability to respond to whatever accusations may have been falsely leveled against the film.“
„Zur Zeit kann Natural News berichten, daß Robert de Niro und seine Frau direkt mit dem Kongress-Angehörigen Bill Posey am Freitag etwa eine Stunde lang gesprochen haben. Während des Gespräches wurde de Niro mehrfach von Posey versichert, daß der CDC-Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, tatsächlich gestanden habe, an einem massiven wissenschaftlichen Betrug zur Verschleierung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Impfungen und Autismus mitgewirkt zu haben. Einem Teil seiner Zusicherungen lag zugrunde, daß de Niro ursprünglich die Ausstrahlung des Films auf dem Tribeca-Festival unterstützte.
Doch Stunden später ist irgendjemand auf de Niro zugekommen. Jemand Mächtiges mit Verbindungen, der, wie wir glauben, de Niro durch Drohungen zum Schweigen gebracht hat. Diese mysteriöse Unterhaltung ist noch nicht enthüllt worden. Weder hat De Niro die Namen derer, die ihn von der „Wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft“ bedroht haben, genannt, noch haben die Filmemacher von „Vaxxed“ eine Gelegenheit erhalten, auf die fälschlicherweise wegen was-auch-immer erhobenen Vorwürfe gegen den Film zu reagieren.“
Auf der offiziellen Webseite der „Vaxxed“-Dokumentation steht aktuell folgender Text:
It is our understanding that persons from an organization affiliated with the festival have made unspecified allegations against the film
– claims that we were given no opportunity to challenge or redress.
We were denied due process.
We have just witnessed yet another example of the power of corporate interests censoring free speech, art, and truth.
Tribeca’s action will not succeed in denying the world access to the truth behind the film Vaxxed.
We are grateful to the many thousands of people who have already mobilized
including doctors, scientists, educators and the autistic community.
We will be pressing forward and sharing our plans in the very near future.
– Andrew Wakefield (Director) and Del Bigtree (Producer)
„Wir verstehen es dahingehend, daß Personen einer mit dem Festival verbandelten Organisation unspezifizierte Vorwürfe gegen den Film erhoben haben
– Behauptungen, die zu widerlegen oder zu prüfen wir keine Gelegenheit bekamen.
Uns wurde das angemessene und übliche Prozedere verweigert.
Wir erfahren gerade wieder einmal ein Beispiel für die Macht von von Konzerninteressen, die Zensur der freien Rede, der Kunst und der Wahrheit.
Das Vorgehen von Tribeca wird es nicht schaffen, der Welt den Zugang zu der Wahrheit hinter dem Film „Vaxxed“ zu verweigern.
Wir sind den vielen Tausenden Menschen dankbar, die sich schon mobilisiert haben,
einschließlich Ärzten, Wissenschaftlern, Ausbildern und der Gemeinschaft der Autisten.
Wir werden mit Druck vorwärtsgehen und unsere Pläne sehr bald mitteilen.
Weiter geht’s!
Andrew Wakefield (Direktor) und Del Bigtree (Produzent)
„Oh my God. I cannot believe we did what we did. But we did.“
– Dr. William Thompson, CDC Senior scientist & whistleblower
Hier nähere Infos zum Film:
UPDATE: 3/26/2016 Statement from Robert De Niro, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, regarding VAXXED at the Festival:
“My intent in screening this film was to provide an opportunity for conversation around an issue that is deeply personal to me and my family. But after reviewing it over the past few days with the Tribeca Film Festival team and others from the scientific community, we do not believe it contributes to or furthers the discussion I had hoped for.
The Festival doesn’t seek to avoid or shy away from controversy. However, we have concerns with certain things in this film that we feel prevent us from presenting it in the Festival program. We have decided to remove it from our schedule.”
3/25/2016 Statement from Robert De Niro, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, regarding VAXXED at the Festival:
“Grace and I have a child with autism and we believe it is critical that all of the issues surrounding the causes of autism be openly discussed and examined. In the 15 years since the Tribeca Film Festival was founded, I have never asked for a film to be screened or gotten involved in the programming. However this is very personal to me and my family and I want there to be a discussion, which is why we will be screening VAXXED. I am not personally endorsing the film, nor am I anti-vaccination; I am only providing the opportunity for a conversation around the issue.”
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BREAKING: Robert De Niro was clearly threatened by the vaccine establishment to censor the VAXXED documentary from Tribeca… new details emerge
Sunday, March 27, 2016
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: Robert De Niro, VAXXED documentary, censorship threats
(NaturalNews) There has never been an assault against a documentary film in the history of America like the one we’ve just witnessed over the last 48 hours. The entire mainstream media waged a coordinated, simultaneous attack against the Tribeca Film Festival to censor a film none of them had even seen.
That film, of course, is called VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, and it documents the admission of the CDC’s Dr. William Thompson, who admitted taking part in a massive scientific fraud to conceal the truth about vaccines causing autism.
This is the first time in the history of film and media that the totality of the media establishment has condemned a film that none of them have ever viewed, desperately trying to make sure no American ever witnesses the hour and a half of film footage that is now „forbidden“ to be viewed in a nation founded on free speech.
A statement has been posted on the VAXXED documentary website:
It is our understanding that persons from an organization affiliated with the festival have made unspecified allegations against the film – claims that we were given no opportunity to challenge or redress. We were denied due process.
We have just witnessed yet another example of the power of corporate interests censoring free speech, art, and truth.
Tribeca’s action will not succeed in denying the world access to the truth behind the film Vaxxed.
Robert De Niro was on a phone call before all this happened
Natural News can now report that Robert De Niro and his wife spoke directly with U.S. Congressman Bill Posey for approximately one hour on Friday, during which De Niro was given numerous assurances by Congressman Posey that the CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, really did confess to taking part in massive scientific fraud to conceal the links between vaccines and autism. It was based in part on this assurance that De Niro originally backed the film’s screening at Tribeca.
But hours later, somebody got to De Niro. Somebody powerful and connected whom we believe threatened Robert De Niro into silence. This mysterious conversation has not been revealed. De Niro has not released the names of those from the „scientific community“ who threatened him, nor have the VAXXED filmmakers been offered any ability to respond to whatever accusations may have been falsely leveled against the film.
Total secrecy: Who got to De Niro, and what threats were made against him?
The silencing of VAXXED, in other words, was carried out with the same secrecy under which the entire vaccine industry operates. There is zero transparency, no due process, no discussion and no debate. Robert De Niro may have even been death threated by the vaccine establishment — an industry already steeped in the maiming and murdering of children worldwide. To silence this powerful film, they would stop at nothing… not even threatening Robert De Niro with destroying his professional career or possibly his life or family.
This is the vaccine mafia at work: Threatening people into silence, censoring a powerful documentary, leveling secret accusations in secret meetings, all while ridiculously claiming they alone have a monopoly on scientific truth which can never be challenged, debated or even questioned by anyone.
The mainstream media just committed credibility suicide… everybody knows they’re covering up the truth about vaccines
In the coverage of all this, we just witnessed the mainstream media committing CREDIBILITY SUICIDE. The entire media just followed in the footsteps of North Korea or Communist China, ordering a film festival to censor a documentary that’s so powerful, it threatens the cascade of lies propping up the fraudulent vaccine industry and all its hidden truths (that are about to be exposed).
The same Tribeca Film Festival that happily previewed films like „37 USES FOR A DEAD SHEEP“ and „TICKED-OFF TRANNIES WITH KNIVES“ has decided that the VAXXED documentary is too dangerous for the public to be allowed to view. But this was not a decision reached with rationality and truth: It was arrived at via the process of media totalitarianism — intimidation and threats aimed at Robert De Niro to force him to silence this film and withdraw it from the festival.
And so for daring to support freedom of expression on this monumental issue the vaccine-pimping media has desperately tried to conceal, De Niro finds himself in a firestorm of accusations and condemnation by the very same media that also blackballed every single story about CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson.
What’s so dangerous in this film that no citizen shall be allowed to view it?
Meanwhile, every thinking American has now come to the realization that the vaccine industry is run like a MAFIA and is wholly incapable of withstanding even a single low-budget documentary that, frankly, few people would have ever heard about if not for this outrageous censorship effort. Now, the American people are asking the commonsense question: „What’s so dangerous in this VAXXED film that we aren’t allowed to see it?“
Does the film show people being beheaded by terrorists in bloody machete scenes? Nope, for that you have to watch CNN and other mainstream media outlets.
Does the film feature lunatic quacks spouting total nonsense and gobbledygook? Nope, because if it did, the vaccine industry would want EVERYONE to watch it!
Does the film fabricate total lies and present them as truth? Nope, to see that, you have to watch all the leftist Hollywood revisionist history films like „TRUTH“ (which is full of lies, paradoxically).
VAXXED, it turns out, is dangerous because it is credible. It is being attacked and censored precisely because it threatens to crumble the great scientific Berlin Wall of the vaccine industry… an industry built almost entirely on lies, cover-ups, censorship and systematic intimidation.
In fact, all this is on full display right now as you watch this story unfold. The media obediently attacks De Niro while vaccine totalitarians demand absolute censorship of a film they’ve never even seen. They can’t name in particular statement in the film that’s dangerous or false; they are attacking the entire film by essentially demanding that no questions ever be allowed to be asked about vaccine safety. Just the mere existence of the film is, all by itself, a serious threat to the entire vaccine industry.
All this, of course, is nothing short of „scientific intolerance“ and cognitive bigotry on parade. For the vaccine industry to even claim that its products are backed by „science“ is wholly laughable. Real science, as everyone knows, is unafraid of scrutiny and debate. Real science welcomes debate because real science can defend itself. Any industry claiming to have „science“ on its side which is simultaneously terrified of a scientific discussion isn’t based on science at all.
We are now living in a scientific dictatorship run by the very same corporations that are systematically poisoning our children
If you ever needed a reason to see the VAXXED documentary, you now have the best reason of all: This is the film that you’re never supposed to be allowed to witness with your own eyes.
In a film industry filled with wanton violence, on-screen rapings, beheadings, bloody war scenes and scenes of torture, the single most dangerous film you’re not allowed to see is one that presents an idea.
That idea is based on a simple scientific truth about vaccine dangers, and it’s considered so dangerous to the vaccine establishment that it must be banned at all costs, even if it means threatening Robert De Niro with being destroyed or perhaps even physically harmed.
When the vaccine industry resorts to outright censorship and intimidation tactics against film organizers, you know they have something extremely damning to hide. It’s so damning that the mere utterance of a few words in the film apparently threatens to destroy the entire cesspool of lies upon which the vaccine industry was built. Words of truth are so dangerous to the vaccine industry that all such words must never be uttered on film, lest people wake up to the reality that their own children are being systematically poisoned, maimed and killed — knowingly! — by the vaccine industry and its toxic interventions.
Remember: If they can get to Robert De Niro, formerly a champion of free speech and freedom of expression, they will go after anyone and attempt anything that it takes. If they have to call in bomb threats against theaters to have them evacuated, that’s exactly what the vaccine industry will do. If they have to threaten film festival producers with murder — or threaten their families with bodily harm — they’ll do that, too. There is no tactic outside the bounds of an industry that already engages in the widespread maiming and murder of children. If they will kill your child with their vaccines, in other words, they’ll think nothing of threatening a guy like Robert De Niro to get him to participate in their cover-up.
Follow Natural News for breaking news update on all this. I am in direct touch with the film producers, and I am being kept informed of next steps in this epic battle for free speech and scientific truth.
Learn more about VAXXED and vaccines at the following links:
The official VAXXED documentary website (and trailer)
The official VAXXED documentary Facebook page:
Learn more:
Aus dem per ÖVP-Amtsmissbräuche offenkundig verfassungswidrig agrar-ausgeraubten Tirol, vom friedlichen Widerstand, Klaus Schreiner
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