Videos v. 01.06.16: Vulkanausbrüche in Guatemala u. Nicaragua

Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 05.06.2016

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Two strong volcano eruptions on June 1, 2016: Santiaguito, Guatemala and Masaya, Nicaragua


On June 1, 2016, two strong volcano eruptions were recorded in Guatemala and Nicaragua, Central America.

Both the Santiaguito and the Masaya volcanoes exploded strongly sending massive columns of gas and ash in the air. Impressive pictures!

Masaya Volcano emits huge column of gas on June 1, 2016

Masaya Volcano woke up with a huge column of gas that has attracted the attention of people passing through the sector.

This volcano has remained active in recent months, even forming a lava lake that has been appreciated nationally and internationally.

And the earthquake has also produced some earthquakes.

masaya eruption, masaya eruption june 2016, masaya eruption june 1 2016, masaya eruption photo, masaya eruption video, masaya eruption june 2016 video photo

The most recent seismic swarm south of Managua could be linked to the activity of the volcano.

masaya eruption, masaya eruption june 2016, masaya eruption june 1 2016, masaya eruption photo, masaya eruption video, masaya eruption june 2016 video photo

But specialists from INETER tend to believe that it is actually related to events at the “Falla del Aeropuerto”.

masaya eruption, masaya eruption june 2016, masaya eruption june 1 2016, masaya eruption photo, masaya eruption video, masaya eruption june 2016 video photo

Masaya volcano is now closed to the public preventively due to seismic activity on Tuesday.

Volcán Masaya amanece con enorme columna de gases

2. Santiaguito volcano erupts violently on June 1, 2016.

santiaguito volcano eruption, santiaguito volcano eruption june 2016, santiaguito volcano eruption june 1 2016, santiaguito volcano eruption june 2016 photo, santiaguito volcano eruptisantiaguito volcano eruption on june 2016 video and pictures
via LeChaudronduVulcain

The current period of activity of the Santiaguito volcano continues to generate strong explosions.

santiaguito volcano eruption, santiaguito volcano eruption june 2016, santiaguito volcano eruption june 1 2016, santiaguito volcano eruption june 2016 photo, santiaguito volcano eruptisantiaguito volcano eruption on june 2016 video and pictures
via LeChaudronduVulcain

On June 1, 2016 it generated two powerful explosions, both with ash plumes that reached about 4900 m. These explosions occurred without sound or rumbling but look really impressive on video:

So there is the possibility of generating more violent eruptions, as or greater than that of May 9, 2014.

santiaguito volcano eruption, santiaguito volcano eruption june 2016, santiaguito volcano eruption june 1 2016, santiaguito volcano eruption june 2016 photo, santiaguito volcano eruptisantiaguito volcano eruption on june 2016 video and pictures
via LeChaudronduVulcain



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