Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 24.08.2018
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Die New York Times bestätigt, was Beobachter des Syrienkrieges schon lange wissen: Die CIA hat während vielen Jahren unter Präsident Obama einen geheimen Krieg gegen Syrien geführt (Operation Timber Sycamore). Ohne UNO Mandat natürlich und daher illegal. Die UNO verbietet ganz klar „das Entsenden bewaffneter Banden, Gruppen, Freischärler oder Söldner durch einen Staat oder in seinem Namen, wenn diese mit Waffengewalt Handlungen gegen einen anderen Staat ausführen“. Doch genau das taten die CIA Söldner: Radikale Islamisten wurden von der CIA mit einer Milliarde Dollar (!) unterstützt, mit Anti-Panzer Raketen ausgerüstet und in geheimen Lagern in Jordanien und der Türkei trainiert, wie ich in meinem Buch „Illegale Kriege“ detailliert darlege und wie jetzt auch die New York Times bestätigt. Präsident Trump hat nun scheinbar diesen geheimen Krieg der CIA in Syrien gestoppt, wie die New York Times unter dem Titel „Behind the Sudden Death of a $1 Billion Secret CIA War in Syria“ am 2. August 2017 berichtet. Vieles was Trump tut ist falsch. Doch wenn er wirklich den geheimen Krieg der CIA in Syrien stoppt, wäre das ein kluger Entscheid, denn es ist illegal, eine Regierung in einem fremden Land durch CIA Söldner zu stürzen.
Behind the Sudden Death of a $1 Billion Secret C.I.A. War in Syria
WASHINGTON — The end came quickly for one of the costliest covert action programs in the history of the C.I.A.
During a White House briefing early last month, the C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo, recommended to President Trump that he shut down a four-year-old effort to arm and train Syrian rebels. The president swiftly ended the program.
The rebel army was by then a shell, hollowed out by more than a year of bombing by Russian planes and confined to ever-shrinking patches of Syria that government troops had not reconquered. Critics in Congress had complained for years about the costs — more than $1 billion over the life of the program — and reports that some of the C.I.A.-supplied weapons had ended up in the hands of a rebel group tied to Al Qaeda further sapped political support for the program.
While critics of Mr. Trump have argued that he ended the program to curry favor with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, there were in fact dim views of the effort in both the Trump and Obama White Houses — a rare confluence of opinion on national security policy.
The shuttering of the C.I.A. program, one of the most expensive efforts to arm and train rebels since the agency’s program arming the mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the 1980s, has forced a reckoning over its successes and failures. Opponents say it was foolhardy, expensive and ineffective. Supporters say that it was unnecessarily cautious, and that its achievements were remarkable given that the Obama administration had so many restrictions on it from the start, which they say ultimately ensured its failure.
The program did have periods of success, including in 2015 when rebels using tank-destroying missiles, supplied by the C.I.A. and also Saudi Arabia, routed government forces in northern Syria. But by late 2015 the Russian military offensive in Syria was focusing squarely on the C.I.A.-backed fighters battling Syrian government troops. Many of the fighters were killed, and the fortunes of the rebel army reversed.
Charles Lister, a Syria expert at the Middle East Institute, said he was not surprised that the Trump administration ended the program, which armed and trained thousands of Syrian rebels. (By comparison, a $500 million Pentagon program that envisioned training and equipping 15,000 Syrian rebels over three years, was canceled in 2015 after producing only a few dozen fighters.)
“In many ways, I would put the blame on the Obama administration,” Mr. Lister said of the C.I.A. program. “They never gave it the necessary resources or space to determine the dynamics of the battlefield. They were drip-feeding opposition groups just enough to survive but never enough to become dominant actors.”
Aus dem per ÖVP-Amtsmissbräuche offenkundig verfassungswidrig agrar-ausgeraubten Tirol, vom friedlichen Widerstand, Klaus Schreiner
Don´t be part of the problem! Be part of the solution. Sei dabei! Gemeinsam sind wir stark und verändern unsere Welt! Wir sind die 99 %!
“Wer behauptet, man braucht keine Privatsphäre, weil man nichts zu verbergen hat, kann gleich sagen man braucht keine Redefreiheit weil man nichts zu sagen hat.“ Edward Snowden
Hier noch eine kurzes Video zur Erklärung der Grafik Gewaltspirale der US-Kriege
GRUNDLAGENWERKE zu 09/11 – die ein Aufwachen garantieren:
David Ray Griffin / Daniele Ganser
Der mysteriöse Einsturz von World Trade Center 7:
Warum der offizielle Abschlußbericht zum 11. September unwissenschaftlich und falsch ist
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