Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 24.03.2016
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Pressekonferenz BDS Austria zur Kampagne gegen die #Israeli Apa… Pressekonferenz von BDS-Austria am 9.3.2016 zur „Amerlinghaus-Causa“, BDS und Israeli Apartheid Week 2016
IsraeliApartheidWeek press conference, 03/09/2016 (German/English) with Ofer Neiman from „Boycott from Within“, Oliver Hashemizadeh from BDS-Austria and Paula Abrams-Hourani from Women in Black Vienna.
In response to the annual „Israeli Apartheid Week“ (IAW) which is held internationally, a concerted media campaign against the local organizer in Vienna, BDS Austria, has been waged for about two weeks. The beginning of this campaign was marked by two articles by Benjamin Weinthal, who is associated with the neo-conservative US-American Think Tank „Foundation for Defense of Democracies“, published in the „Jerusalem Post“ and in the Austrian daily paper „Der Standard“. At the same time, local activist of the platform „Boycott Antisemitism“ which was formed in reaction to BDS Austria, increased their pressure on the „Kulturzentrum Spittelberg im Amerlinghaus“, which was supposed to host two of the IAW events (on their premises). In an „Open Letter“ addressed to mayor Michael Häupl and the cultural center (Amerlinghaus) the almost calumny like defamations of BDS Austria were repeated. Furthermore, the authors drew wrong conclusions intended to denounce the human rights campaign of BDS and their local representatives/activists as “anti-semitic”. The Viennese branch of the Christian-conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) and the right-wing populist Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) joined the political blackmailing with their press releases from March 7th 2016, and called for the end of the cultural center. Eventually, the Municipality of Vienna, namely the Department For Education and Youth (MA 13), overtly threatened to withdraw the (financial) subsidies. In a telephone conversation it was claimed that the city government, comprised of a coalition of the Social Democratic and the Green Party, could be forced to resign due to those two events planned to be held at Amerlinghaus.
Aus dem per ÖVP-Amtsmissbräuche offenkundig verfassungswidrig agrar-ausgeraubten Tirol, vom friedlichen Widerstand, Klaus Schreiner
Don´t be part of the problem! Be part of the solution. Sei dabei! Gemeinsam sind wir stark und verändern unsere Welt! Wir sind die 99 %!
“Wer behauptet, man braucht keine Privatsphäre, weil man nichts zu verbergen hat, kann gleich sagen man braucht keine Redefreiheit weil man selbst nichts zu sagen hat.” Edward Snowden.