$referrer_host = aktivist4you.at. Von Großbritannien finanziert: Schulbücher, die Kinder in Palästina lehren, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen. „Während die britische Regierung es versäumt, britischen Kindern beim Aufwachsen zu helfen, hilft sie palästinensischen Kindern, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen,“ schreibt der britische Autor Douglas Murray. | Blog von Klaus Schreiner Österreich, Tirol, Innsbruck

Von Großbritannien finanziert: Schulbücher, die Kinder in Palästina lehren, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen. „Während die britische Regierung es versäumt, britischen Kindern beim Aufwachsen zu helfen, hilft sie palästinensischen Kindern, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen,“ schreibt der britische Autor Douglas Murray.

Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 15.05.2018
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Von Großbritannien finanziert: Schulbücher, die Kinder in Palästina lehren, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen

Epoch Times14. May 2018 Aktualisiert: 14. Mai 2018 21:40
„Während die britische Regierung es versäumt, britischen Kindern beim Aufwachsen zu helfen, hilft sie palästinensischen Kindern, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen,“ schreibt der britische Autor Douglas Murray.

Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2016, die von der Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) durchgeführt wurde, ergab, dass Großbritannien bei der Alphabetisierung in den Industrieländern an letzter Stelle steht.


Auch in mathematischen Fähigkeiten schnitten Englands Schüler schlecht ab. Das Königreich lag in der Erhebung erst an zweitletzter Stelle hinter anderen Industrieländern.

Die OECD-Studie stellte fest, dass selbst unter den Absolventen englischer Universitäten jeder Zehnte über „niedrige“ Lese- und Rechenkenntnisse verfügt.

Zudem ergaben Untersuchungen des „Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education“ (IMPACT-se), dass die britische Regierung im vergangen Jahr rund 20 Millionen Pfund (rund 23 Millionen Euro) an palästinensische Schulen überwiesen hat. Dieses Geld sei für die Finanzierung eines Lehrplans verwendet worden, um den Einsatz von Gewalt – insbesondere den Dschihad – zu fördern, heißt es.

Eine Analyse der Schulbücher, die in palästinensischen Schulen verwendet werden, hat demnach ergeben, dass „diese Schulbücher, die von der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde (PA) stammen, Druck auf junge Palästinenser ausüben, Gewalttaten zu begehen.“

In einem der Lehrbücher, die ab dem 12. Lebensjahr benutzt werden, wurde das zweite newtonsche Bewegungsgesetz auf folgende Art erklärt:

Während des ersten palästinensischen Aufstands benutzten palästinensische Jugendliche Zwillen, um die Soldaten der zionistischen Besatzung zu konfrontieren und sich gegen ihre verräterischen Kugeln zu verteidigen. Welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen der Dehnung des Gummis der Schleuder und der sie beeinflussenden Zugfestigkeit?“

Laut der Studie befinden sich in den Sozialkundenbüchern Bilder von Kindern in Klassenzimmern mit einem Schild auf einem leeren Schreibtisch auf dem steht: „Märtyrer“. Mehrere Lehrbücher würden sich auf „Besatzung“, auf „zionistische Besatzung“, „Zionisten“ oder auf die Vorstellung beziehen, dass Israelis „Eindringlinge“ und „Unterdrücker“ seien.


Diese Lehrbücher seien, „eindeutig und konsequent darauf ausgerichtet eine neue Generation palästinensischer Kinder zum Hass auf ihre Nachbarn zu erziehen,“ so die Studie.

Der britische Steuerzahler unterstützt einen radikalen Lehrplan zur Gewalt

Der Parlamentsabgeordnete und Staatsminister für den Nahen Osten im Außen- und Commonwealth-Büro und Staatsminister im Ministerium für internationale Entwicklung, Alistair Burt, gab zu, „dass die britischen Steuerzahler weiterhin diesen radikalen Lehrplan der Aufstachelung unterstützen.“ Das war seine Reaktion auf den Artikel der „Sunday Times“.

Alistair Burt gab an, dass „britische Steuerzahler die Löhne von 33.000 Lehrern im Westjordanland finanzieren, die diese Lehrpläne benutzen.“ Weiter sagte er: „GB-finanzierte Beamte und Lehrer…. sind daher beteiligt.“

Seitens der britischen Regierung heißt es diesbezüglich: „Mit unserer Unterstützung helfen wir jährlich rund 25.000 jungen Palästinensern, zur Schule zu gehen. Die britische Regierung verurteilt auf das Schärfste alle Formen von Gewalt und Aufstachelung zur Gewalt“.

„Regierung hilft palästinensischen Kindern, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen“

Der britische Autor Douglas Murray schreibt dazu: „Während die britische Regierung es versäumt, die notwendigen Mittel dahin zu pumpen, kleinen britischen Kindern zu helfen, in Großbritannien lesen und schreiben lernen zu können, pumpt sie Millionen von Pfund in die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde, um sicherzustellen, dass junge palästinensische Kinder denken, dass eine Karriere der Gewalt eine Karriere ist, die sich lohnt. Während die britische Regierung es versäumt, britischen Kindern beim Aufwachsen zu helfen, hilft sie palästinensischen Kindern, sich selbst in die Luft zu sprengen. Es ist ein schreckliches Vermächtnis für jedes Land, doch für Großbritannien ein besonders beschämendes.“ (vm)

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Britain gives £20m to Palestinian schools teaching jihad, martyrdom — report

Minister says UK is paying wages of 33,000 teachers who teach curriculum that includes the physics of using slingshots to attack IDF soldiers and the glory of dying for Palestine

Palestinian school girls in Gaza, March 2013 (photo credit: Flash90/Wissam Nassar)

Palestinian school girls in Gaza, March 2013 (photo credit: Flash90/Wissam Nassar)

The British government last year gave £20 million to Palestinian schools teaching a curriculum that a watchdog group says embraces jihad, omits references to peace agreements with Israel, and encourages martyrdom, the Sunday Times reported.

A review by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) found that study material from the Palestinian Authority textbooks “exerts pressure over young Palestinians to acts of violence.”

Among the ideas taught to pupils are the physics behind slingshots used to hurl rocks at Israel soldiers, the glorification of martyrs, and images that infuse ideas of war.

“The curriculum exerts pressure over young Palestinians to acts of violence in a more extensive and sophisticated manner,” IMPACT-se wrote. “The discourse is couched in terms of nationalist and religious martyrdom, across science, literature, history and religious education textbooks.”

“With a comprehensive and oft-stated justification for defensive (obligatory) jihad, the curriculum’s focus appears to have expanded from demonization of Israel to providing a rationale for war,” it continued.

British Minister of State for the Department for International Development Alistair Burt address a meeting of the United Nations Security Council during the UN General Assembly, September 21, 2017 at UN headquarters. (Bebeto Matthews/AP)

In answers given to the UK parliament, Minister of State for International Development Alistair Burt revealed that UK taxpayers’ money is fundingthe wages of 33,000 teachers who use the new curriculum, the Times said.

Speaking last week, Burt said that “all of their [the PA’s] schools in the West Bank are using the revised 2017 PA curriculum. UK-funded public servants and teachers . . . are therefore involved..”

Member of parliament Joan Ryan, chairwoman of Labour Friends of Israel, denounced the funding of schools that use the curriculum.

“It is absolutely appalling that UK taxpayers’ money is helping to support the teaching of a curriculum which incites violence and terrorism and spreads anti-Semitism,” she said. “The government must immediately suspend all aid to the Palestinian Authority until it commits to wholesale and urgent revisions of the curriculum.”

The Department for International Development responded to the Times in a statement saying “Our support is helping around 25,000 young Palestinians go to school each year. The UK government strongly condemns all forms of violence and incitement to violence.”

In August the Palestinian Authority introduced a new school curriculum for grades 5-11. In a review published in October, IMPACT-se found that “radicalization is pervasive across this new curriculum, to a greater extent than before.”

Sacrifice of life is also encouraged for girls in the context of equal rights and heroes are those who “sacrificed their souls.”

“They [hereos] taught people that drinking the cup of bitterness with glory is much sweeter than a pleasant long life accompanied by humiliation,” reads one 5th grade Arabic-language textbook according to an English translation in the IMPACT-se report.

“Giving one’s life [fida’], sacrifice, fight, jihad and struggle are the most important meanings of life,” another text urges.

Image from the April, 2017 IMPACT-se report on Palestinian elementary schools textbooks. (Screenshot)

A science text book ties physics principles to attacking Israeli soldiers with slingshots.

“During the first Palestinian uprising, Palestinian youths used slingshots to confront the soldiers of the Zionist Occupation and defend themselves from their treacherous bullets,” the text reads. “What is the relationship between the elongation of the slingshot’s rubber and the tensile strength affecting it?”

Social studies books include images of children sitting in school rooms with some desks empty except for a sign reading “martyr.”

“Israel, regardless of boundaries, is depicted as an affront to Arab nationalism, part of a series of divisions imposed on the Arab Homeland by colonial powers,”IMPACT-se noted. “In many cases the curriculum does not use the name ‘Israel’ or ‘Israelis.’ Instead, it uses the ‘Occupation,’ ‘Zionist Occupation,’ ‘Zionists’ or metaphors like invaders and oppressors.”

References to the two-state solution for peace are not included in text books, as are any United Nations calls for an end to the violence, found the report by the Jerusalem-based group.

A Grade 11 history text book on the Oslo Accords that lead to the creation of the the Palestinian Authority has “no reference to peace, exchange of letters of recognition, transfer of territories from Israel to the PLO or the Nobel Peace Prize,” IMPACT-se said.

The Israeli government has long argued that incitement in Palestinian textbooks is a main contributor to hatred and terrorism against Israelis. Palestinian officials counter that draconian Israeli measures and decades of occupation, not incitement, instill hatred and inspire terrorism.

The issue has taken on increasing significance of late, as members of Congress have threatened to decrease US aid to Palestinians if incitement is not curbed.

Agencies contributed to this report.


Britain gives £20m for schools glorifying martyrs and jihad

The curriculum teaches children that those who carry out terrorist attacks will be rewarded in paradise
The curriculum teaches children that those who carry out terrorist attacks will be rewarded in paradise

More than £20m of British aid money has been spent on Palestinian schools in the past year, despite ministers knowing the official curriculum could incite pupils to become martyrs and jihadists.

In a series of parliamentary answers, the aid minister, Alistair Burt, has admitted that British taxpayers are funding the salaries of 33,000 teachers implementing a school curriculum that has been criticised for promoting violence against Israel.

A report by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (Impact-SE) said it “exerts pressure over young Palestinians to acts of violence”. The lessons being taught by British-funded teachers include:

■ A science textbook for 12-year-olds that teaches Newton’s second law of physics using an image of a boy firing a slingshot at soldiers

■ A maths textbook for nine-year-olds that asks students to calculate the number of martyrs in Palestinian uprisings

■ A social science textbook for nine-year-olds that shows children in a classroom looking at an empty desk bearing the sign “the martyr”

■ A textbook for 10-year-olds that calls martyrdom and jihad “the most important meanings of life”, advising that “drinking the cup of bitterness with glory is much sweeter than a pleasant long life accompanied by humiliation”.

The revelations came as 16 Palestinians were killed and more than 700 injured when protesters in Gaza clashed with Israeli security forces on the border on Friday. British aid money goes to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, rather than Hamas, which runs Gaza.

The curriculum teaches children about the Palestinian Authority’s support for the families of those who carry out terrorist attacks, and how they will be rewarded in paradise.

Impact-SE’s report concludes “radicalisation is more pervasive across this new curriculum” than the one that it has replaced, and that it “exerts pressure over young Palestinians to acts of violence in a more extensive and sophisticated manner”.

It also asserts that “the curriculum’s focus appears to have expanded from demonisation of Israel to providing a rationale for war”. One poem taught to nine-year-olds calls for “sacrificing blood”, “eliminating the usurper” and “annihilat[ing] the remnants of the foreigners”.

Even science textbooks promote violence. One question reads: “Palestinian youths used slingshots to confront the soldiers of the Zionist occupation and defend themselves from their treacherous bullets. What is the relationship between the elongation of the slingshot’s rubber and the tensile strength affecting it?”

By contrast, references to peace agreements between the Palestinians and Israel have been removed.

In 2016 the government said it would tighten control of spending in the Palestinian territories. But Burt admitted “all of their schools in the West Bank are using the revised 2017 PA curriculum. UK-funded public servants and teachers . . . are therefore involved..

Joan Ryan, chairwoman of Labour Friends of Israel, said: “It is absolutely appalling that UK taxpayers’ money is helping to support the teaching of a curriculum which incites violence and terrorism and spreads anti-semitism. The government must immediately suspend all aid to the Palestinian Authority until it commits to wholesale and urgent revisions of the curriculum.”

The Department for International Development said: “Our support is helping around 25,000 young Palestinians go to school each year. The UK government strongly condemns all forms of violence and incitement to violence.”



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